
Life is short. To get the most out of it, we go below the surface and find and tell stories that explore the ultimate questions of life. Stories and formats that encourage us to live authentically and grow.


We develop series in which we tell people’s authentic stories, exposing their real-life challenges and vulnerabilities and making their life stories tangible – with all the moments of tragedy and comedy they contain. What we experience up close can move us and touch us emotionally – and can open our eyes to other ways of looking at existence, empowering our own personal growth. That’s what it’s all about.

In the classic hero’s journey, an individual rises above himself: He is forced to change, to transform himself, in order to accomplish the seemingly impossible – slay the dragon. It’s the same with each of us. Every one of us is battling inner and outer “demons,” and we all want to experience the strength to change ourselves in ways that liberate us and gain us our freedom.

That may sound a bit overly dramatic, but precisely this is at the heart of all good story-telling. When the narrative is authentic, it demands the best from us – the courage to change, the courage to be free. This is compelling. This is enduring. This is “why” we do this.

Art exhibitions also have this power to transform and liberate us. We share our wonderful historical space with other creatives and artists.

As business angels, we help entrepreneurs take their vision and make it reality. Every start-up that benefits people over the long term contains a great story that is worth developing.


a. medial freedom

We decide intuitively and autonomously what we work on – based on “gut instinct.” We think outside the box, approaching new ideas in a spirit of openness and playfulness. We’re also open when it comes to the choice of our partners. The material itself – the content – is the basis for and helps shape the collaboration or co-production.

“Format workshops“ are often the starting point for an exciting new project. At other times, simply an exchange of ideas is enough. We’d love to hear yours: bernd@zeitderfreiheit.de

b. spatial freedom

Our home is the “Brückenloft” (Bridge Loft) in the heart of Leipzig, spanning the Weisse Elster river. The bridge was conceived in 1928 for the transportation of goods used in the production of wool yarn. Now, almost 100 years later, it is a space where we create and transport ideas and visions. These days, rather than wool, it is stories that are being spun here. It’s a “safe space” and a symbol of our external and internal freedom.

We entrusted the interior design to the Leipzig architectural firm “bla°.” Inspired by the idea of the “time of freedom,” they came up with a radical design. As bla° CEO Robert Laser put it:

“A bridge connects and permits movement to the opposite side of the river bank. Like the river that flows beneath it, this movement knows no beginning and no end. The design created by bla° is intended to reflect this tension between time and space. The emptiness and sense of infiniteness will task visitors with using the space in a new and different way each time they are there. It provides a recurrent and yet transient opportunity for and responsibility to freedom.”

Bernd Schumacher, founder of “Zeit der Freiheit,” remarks: “From the first moment I saw it, I was fascinated by this place. In a quiet moment, if you just take in the feeling of floating, the play of light, and the views the bridge opens up, you begin, as did Goethe’s ‘Faust,’ to sense ‘what it is that holds the world together in its innermost folds’.”


We warmly invite you to look inside this magical space:  brückenloft.com.

c. entrepreneurial freedom

As business angels for sustainable startups, we promote entrepreneurial freedom. We help founders turn their visions into reality – minus any excessive regulatory hurdles or restrictions.
Our core competencies include strategic consulting, media placement, and financial planning. Contact us at:

“Zeit der Freiheit” is a member of the non-profit “Business Angels Netzwerk Deutschland e.V.”

Proof of concept

a. medial freedom / format development

Formats are the framing and therefore also the door opener to unforgettable user experiences:
Viewing experiences in series turn people into followers and also brand the broadcasters and streamers who provide these experiences. The development of sustainable formats is therefore a supreme discipline of the media universe.


current formats:

real life docu soap.
SKY original
season III – 2024

real life docu soap.
SKY original
season II (planned) – 2024

Bernd’s development is characterized by maximum authenticity, the format he created ‘Between Tulle and Tears’ shows women in search of their wedding dress. Real. Diverse. Humorous. To be seen daily on VOX since 2016 (!).

Selected examples of formats Bernd has developed:

  • WE ARE FAMILY, broadcast on ProSieben, 2005-09, daily at 2 p.m.; the 2-part episode “Mama ist ein Schmetterling” (Mommy is a Butterfly), nominated in 2007 for the Grimme Award
  • DANIELA KATZENBERGER – NATÜRLICH BLOND (Naturally Blond), broadcast on VOX – Primetime, 7 Seasons, 2010-14; recipient of the 2011 LIMA Award for “VIP Brand of the Year” and the 2011 Quotenmeter Television Award for “Best Reality Show“
  • ASTERNWEG, two 4-hour documentaries about a socially combustible neighborhood, broadcast on VOX-Primetime; recipient of the 2016 German Television Award for ”Best Documentary of the Year”
  • ZWISCHEN TÜLL UND TRÄNEN (Between Tulle and Tears), broadcast on VOX, daily at 5:00 p.m., 2016 – 2024; end open
  • DER ALPTRAUMMANN (The Nightmare Man), 4-part true crime mini-series, 2021, broadcast on RTL+ and VOX Primetime; recipient of the 2021 German Television Award for ”Best Editing Information/Documentary”, and nominated for the 2021 German Television Award in the category “Best Camera Information/Documentary”

b. spatial freedom

Exhibition 2022: SILKY LIGHTS by Zentrale für Kunst


2023 Graduate Exhibition of Victoria Matthies:


c. entrepreneurial freedom

Investment in “Histafit”

“Zeit der Freiheit” is a business angel for the wonderful start-up ”Histafit,” founded by Ana Hansel and Melina Neumann. In self-produced videos and through social media, they provide information about the important topic of histamine intolerance, a condition from which they themselves have both been painfully affected.

Together with expert internist and gastroenterologist Dr. Eckehard Schmidt-Hengst, we join the entrepreneurs on their journey. Important milestones include the production of their food products and nutritional supplements, a thrilling appearance, including a deal, on the television program “Höhle der Löwen” (“Shark Tank” in the U.S.), retail placement of their products, expansion of their on-line offering with the brands histafood.eu and histanutri.de, and finally, being named “2022 Entrepreneurs of the Year” in the category “Female Empowerment.”

Investment in SO`USE

Three Leipzig entrepreneurs – Ben Kamrad Wollscheid, Thomas Niermann and Benedikt Pilz – are in the process of revolutionizing the restaurant industry. With SO’USE, customers can order and pay right from their table, using their own smartphones. There’s no app to download, and SO’USE integrates seamlessly into the restaurant’s POS system: https://so-use.de/en. “Zeit der Freiheit” became a shareholder in this start-up in 2021.


Bernd Schumacher - MD, Format Creator, Director

“At ‘Zeit der Freiheit,’ I am able to fulfill my lifelong dream of exploring and trying out whatever my heart desires – in my life, in my writing, and in designing completely new formats. My personal WHY involves being entirely in the present moment and finding creative ways to be effective.

From 2000-2020, I invented and implemented a new format palette for the ‘99ers’ (the ‘99pro media’ company), which they now – as a subsidiary of RTL – continue to use in the spirit I intended: the truthful representation of people.

At ‘Zeit der Freiheit,’ I continue my search for great untold stories. Will I once again come across “the next big thing”? And do I share it with the world? That remains to be seen – it’s my own personal hero’s journey.”


about Bernd:


write to Bernd:


2006 Nomination for the Grimme Prize for the two-part ProSieben documentary “Mama ist ein Schmetterling” (Mom is a Butterfly)

2011 Nomination for the German Television Award for the format “Goodbye Deutschland” in the category “Best Docutainment”

2012 Lima Award for the brand “Daniela Katzenberger” in the category “VIP Brand of the Year”



2012 Nomination for the kress Award in the category “Brand Transformation”

2016 German Television Award for “Asternweg – eine Straße ohne Ausweg” (Asternweg – A Street with No Way Out) in the category “Best Documentary/Reportage of the Year”

Asternweg – Zur besten deutschen Sendezeit…

2021 Format Developer and Producer of “Der Alptraummann”, Recipient of the German Television Award for  in the category “Best Editing – Non-Fiction”

Bernd Schumacher - MD, Format Creator, Director

“At ‘Zeit der Freiheit,’ I am able to fulfill my lifelong dream of exploring and trying out whatever my heart desires – in my life, in my writing, and in designing completely new formats. My personal WHY involves being entirely in the present moment and finding creative ways to be effective.

From 2000-2020, I invented and implemented a new format palette for the ‘99ers’ (the ‘99pro media’ company), which they now – as a subsidiary of RTL – continue to use in the spirit I intended: the truthful representation of people.

At ‘Zeit der Freiheit,’ I continue my search for great untold stories. Will I once again come across “the next big thing”? And do I share it with the world? That remains to be seen – it’s my own personal hero’s journey.”

about Bernd:


write to Bernd:



2006 Nomination for the Grimme Prize for the two-part ProSieben documentary “Mama ist ein Schmetterling” (Mom is a Butterfly)

2011 Nomination for the German Television Award for the format “Goodbye Deutschland” in the category “Best Docutainment”

2012 Lima Award for the brand “Daniela Katzenberger” in the category “VIP Brand of the Year”



2012 Nomination for the kress Award in the category “Brand Transformation”

2016 German Television Award for “Asternweg – eine Straße ohne Ausweg” (Asternweg – A Street with No Way Out) in the category “Best Documentary/Reportage of the Year”

Asternweg – Zur besten deutschen Sendezeit…

2021 Format Developer and Producer of “Der Alptraummann”, Recipient of the German Television Award for  in the category “Best Editing – Non-Fiction”

Theresia Otto: Financial Advisor

“I am responsible for the economic side of Bernds projects and provide strategic consulting for “Zeit der Freiheit.” As Head of Finance and an authorized signatory, I supported the company “99pro media” on its path to becoming Central Germany’s most successful non-fiction producer and, following the sale of the company, integrated it into the RTL media group.

I enjoy taking a deep dive into the numbers and, as a certified Dive Master, am also a passionate explorer of the fascinating underwater world.” This has also inspired the naming of my own consulting company: diveinfinance.com.


Theresia Otto: Financial Advisor

“I am responsible for the economic side of Bernds projects and provide strategic consulting for “Zeit der Freiheit.” As Head of Finance and an authorized signatory, I supported the company “99pro media” on its path to becoming Central Germany’s most successful non-fiction producer and, following the sale of the company, integrated it into the RTL media group.

I enjoy taking a deep dive into the numbers and, as a certified Dive Master, am also a passionate explorer of the fascinating underwater world.” This has also inspired the naming of my own consulting company: diveinfinance.com.


Annaluna Schumacher - Development Consultant

“At ‘Zeit der Freiheit,’ I take part in brainstorming meetings on potential new projects, contributing my generation’s perspective in terms of content and how best to get the story across. I also translate the format concepts into English.

I study psychology in Halle.”

Annaluna Schumacher - Development Consultant

“At ‘Zeit der Freiheit,’ I take part in brainstorming meetings on potential new projects, contributing my generation’s perspective in terms of content and how best to get the story across. I also translate the format concepts into English.

I study psychology in Halle.”

“Zeit der Freiheit” Workshops

We are always happy to share our core competencies in workshops or project-related support.

Bernd’s WORKSHOPS: Developing Non-Fiction Formats, Relaunching an Ongoing Format, “Telling People’s Stories in Documentary Formats”

Theresia’s offers: Financial Planning During Development, Cost Calculation for a Production, Financial Monitoring of Ongoing Productions, “Project Controlling” workshop.

References & prices provided upon request.

Zeit der Freiheit GmbH
Nonnenstraße 21/21 A, Aptmt. 312
04229 Leipzig

Email: bernd@zeitderfreiheit.de